International Journal of Current Educational Research



International Journal of Current Educational Research (IJOCER) is an international journal (double-blind peer review) that focuses on Current Educational Research. The journal concerns in current Educational Research accepts articles in the field of Education: instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, educational psychology, and educational developments. IJOCER is an internationally recognized journal in the field of education and is published two times a year (in June and December). Studies may relate to any age level - from infants to adults. All manuscripts sent to IJOCER will be read and reviewed with a confidential identity (double-blind peer review) by at least 2 peer reviewers who are experts in their fields. Depending on the evaluation reports of the members of the Editorial Board and peer reviewer, articles are published or not. The articles should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the IJOCER.


Journal title : International Journal of Current Educational Research
Initials : IJOCER
Abbreviation : Int. J. Curr. Educ. Res.
Frequency :
lah tayang di dengan judul "Nama-nama Bulan dalam Bahasa Inggris", Klik untuk baca:
Penulis : Nibras Nada Nailufar
Editor : Nibras Nada Nailufar

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 June and December (Semi-Annual)
DOI : 10.53621/ijocer
Print ISSN : 2961-8517
Online ISSN : 2961-8509
Editor-in-chief : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Binar Kurnia Prahani
Executive Editor : Dr. Safaruddin
Publisher : Indonesia Emerging Literacy Education Foundation
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Dimensions | SINTA | Scopus
Acreditation : SINTA 4 SK 177/E/KPT/2024 October 15, 2024
Abstracting and Indexing : Click here


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): December

All articles in this issue (5 papers ) include Authors from 2 countries of origin (Egypt and Indonesia)

Published: 2024-12-31


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