Improving Problem-Solving Skills With Problem-Based Learning Models in Optical Wave Courses

Keywords: Problem-solving skills, Problem-based learning, College student, Education, Optical Wave


Objective: Problem-solving skills are one of the skills one has to live in the 21st century. Therefore, this research aims to explain the improvement in problem-solving skills using a problem-based learning model in optical wave courses. This research was carried out on 3rd-semester students majoring in undergraduate program Science Education at the State University of Surabaya in two classes. Method: The research design used the one-group pretest-posttest design with one repetition—data collection techniques using observation and test techniques. Observations were made to review practical aspects and tests for reviewing the effectiveness aspects. Results: The observation results indicate that the learning process is classified as practical. The average result of problem-solving skills in class U students is better than in class B. Based on their problem-solving skills, students can solve problems to completion. The knowledge test results are in the moderate range. A paired T-test in each class shows a significant difference between the results before and after learning. The achievement of knowledge and skills shows that the problem-based learning model effectively improves their problem-solving skills in the waves and optics courses. Novelty: The novelty of this research is the use of four indicators adapted to optical wave material under learning conditions after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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How to Cite
Apsari, M. R., Supardi, Z. A. I., Puspitawati, R. P., & Budiyanto, M. (2023). Improving Problem-Solving Skills With Problem-Based Learning Models in Optical Wave Courses. International Journal of Current Educational Research, 2(1), 27-38.
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